Yes, Katlyn went to cosmetology school and has her cosmetology license. She also went to makeup school and graduated. She also loves to continue her education in both hair and makeup to learn new techniques and learn from the people she looks up to. To read more about Katlyn's experience and training, click here!

5. Is Katlyn professionally trained?

Katlyn doesn’t recommend doing your own makeup because this is most likely a special event and you would want to trust your day in the hands of professionals so your photos turn out perfect.

4. Why can't I do my own makeup?

Katlyn cannot control the elements and the humidity, but most of her styles will last all day. She uses top of the line products and will do her absolute best to make sure your style keeps all day and all night.

3. How long will my makeup/curls last?

Makeup: clean bare face with no makeup on
Hair: clean dry hair with as little product in it as possible (no flat irons)

2. How do I show up for my appointment?

9/10 times yes, you need extensions. To better know, email and send your inspiration photos and a photo of your hair, and our team will use their best judgment to determine if you need them or not. Katlyn always recommends them to her brides if they are on the fence. For more in-depth information on extensions, read more here!

1. Do I need extensions?

wedding faq

We have a minimum booking fee on select days during our busiest months and days of the year. Prices start at $400, which includes bride hair and makeup. Wedding season is very popular for us, and it is more difficult to secure a date during this time without inquiring in advance!

Wedding season: April - November
Off seasons: December - March

9. Do you require a service minimum?

Ideally, about 2-3 months before your wedding.

8. When should I schedule my bridal trial?

Depending on your timeline and how many people need to be done, Katlyn may need to bring an assistant or another artist to make sure everyone is ready on time.

7. Will you bring someone with you to my wedding?

Katlyn usually books out 6-9 months in advance. Katlyn recommends emailing her team your inquiry as soon as possible so they can lock in your date.

6. When should I reserve my date?

Ready to book us for your wedding?

No, that will cut into our appointment time. Katlyn asks that you come in with a clean, bare face.

14. Can I come in with makeup already on then take it off in the beginning of the appointment?

Clean dry hair with as little product in it as possible (no flat irons). To read more about why, click here!

13. Should my hair be clean or dirty?

Makeup: 30 minutes-1 hour sometimes quicker depending on style
Hair: 30-45 minutes sometimes quicker depending on style

12. How long does it take per person?

A 50% non-refundable retainer fee is due in order to secure your date and the remainder is due the day of services. We accept cash or credit/debit only (no checks).

11. When is payment due? And what payment methods do you accept?

Yes, but there will be more travel fees to accommodate the miles that Katlyn has to drive.

10. Are you able to travel to two different locations?

The best way to reach us is by email at so we can keep everything organized and in one place. However, if it would be easier to talk about details over the phone, we can discuss setting up a phone call with someone from the team.

15. Can we have a consult over the phone before booking?

Hairdressing has evolved so much in the past few years. While techniques and services have gotten more complicated, booking your hair appointment doesn't have to be. Packages ensure that you are receiving every service your hair needs. It takes the guess work out of booking!
Katlyn's pricing structure is very simple. Labor + Product Used = Price. Katlyn charges for the service package and how much product is used. Nothing more, nothing less. Katlyn does not like hidden fees or tacking on a bunch of a la cart services to get the ticket price up. This is a very straight forward and modern approach so you can leave happy without breaking the bank!

1. Why Packages?

OMG YASSSS Katlyn would love to have you in her chair at the salon. You have two options, you can either go on Katlyn's online booking site and request an appointment that you would want, then we will email you with a new client form so you can fill out a pre consultation questionnaire, and once we have everything we need then we will approve the appointment. OR, if you have no idea (which is totally fine) you can email us at and we would give you the new client questionnaire and we can book the appointment for you based on what your needs are and your hair dreams. It's totally up to you! Can't wait to get you in Katlyn's chair! For more details on booking, click here.

2. I'm a new client and I'm ready to book!

That's totally understandable, don't worry we completely get it! Just shoot us an email and we would be happy to help you and get you in the books!

3. I'm not sure which package to pick..

Katlyn does not do kid's cuts, men's cuts, pixie cuts, or vivids. Katlyn wants to focus more on dimensional brunette, blonding, and lived in color!

4. Are there any services Katlyn doesn't do?

Hair salon faq

Ready to sit in Katlyn's chair?

We kindly ask that children, pets, and friends be left at home. You can bring one guest if you'd like to, but due to the salon's size, there is limited space available. (If you need to bring in someone for special assistance, we just ask that they please wait in the waiting room when assistance isn't required, and they can come back to the chair as needed)

6. Can I bring someone else with me to my appointment?

Katlyn is only accepting coloring/extension clients on select days between 9am-5pm. If you need a weekend appointment, then Katlyn is probably not the stylist for you, but we can definitely recommend someone who will better fit your schedule! 

5.  Will our schedules match up?