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Choosing the Perfect Wedding Hairstyle

Having trouble picking out the perfect hairstyle for your wedding? There are many factors to consider from hair length, necklines of dresses, how much skin you want exposed, to what kind of style you even want to go with! All of these things can affect your decisions on which hairstyle to pick! If you are […]

Winter Scalp Care

Winter is officially here, and with it comes the cold weather. Have you ever noticed that in winter, your scalp becomes dry and itchy?? Well, your scalp is skin after all, so if your hands are dry and itchy from the cold, your scalp may be too. Thankfully, there are a few ways to combat […]

Bridal Hair Accessories

I bet you can’t guess my very favorite part about styling your hair for your wedding… Don’t worry, I’ll tell ya! I absolutely LOVE incorporating the bridal hair accessories that you choose into your custom style!! When you include hair pieces for me, it creates a new challenge that I absolutely love to tackle! And […]

Why am I Losing so Much Hair??

Have you ever washed your hair and noticed what looks like almost an entire wig on the floor (or walls lol) of your shower?? You’ve probably thought, “Am I going bald??” or, “How do I even have that much hair to lose?!” I know it feels like you’re losing like half of your hair when […]

The Proper Way to Use a Blow Drying Brush

There is absolutely NOTHING better than a blowout, amiright?? And being able to give yourself a blowout at home? Every week?!?! Unreal! If you’re anywhere on social media, you have definitely seen the blow drying brush that has taken us all by storm. The perfect tool for the perfect at-home blowout! Now how would you […]

How to Choose Extensions That are Right for You

As much as I love hand-tied extensions, they’re certainly not a one size fits all situation. I want everyone to be able to experience how life changing these extensions are, but I TOTALLY understand if they might not be in the cards for you!! There are a few different reasons why you may want to […]

Summer Hair Care

The most frequent question that I get asked is how to care for your hair during summer!! Between the harsh sun, taking a dip in the pool, and enjoying beach days, summer time can take a toll on your hair! I want to make sure that you are taking all of the necessary steps to […]

Why you Should be Picky About your Sunscreen

SUMMER IS HERE!! I have been going to the beach and spending time outdoors as much as I can (when I’m not working of course!)! Have you been soaking up the sun too? Are you wearing sunscreen?! I know it’s like the most basic skincare tip for the summertime, but it’s really important to talk […]

My Fav Shampoos & Conditioners

If you didn’t already know, I have been at Curate Salon for 6 MONTHS ALREADY!! I get a lot of questions when someone leaves the salon asking what kind of shampoo and conditioner to buy to keep your hair healthy after you leave my chair. I would suggest avoiding drugstore products, and if you want […]

So you want Hand-Tied Extensions?

Hand-tied extensions are life changing and they will really boost your confidence. I mean who doesn’t want to wake up EVERY DAY with bomb hair!!!?? So you’re probably thinking what are hand-tied extensions? What is the process? And many more questions, so I wanted to answer those for you! What are Hand-Tied Extensions? I’m certified […]

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Katlyn and Company by Katlyn Sainz